My Bae Monday: Jhene Aiko - Trip

Allow me to reintroduce this segment. This is the My Bae Monday segment of BINACT. If you're new here or can't remember the last time I reviewed an album, it's okay. I'm here to reacclimate my audience to MBM's purpose.

My Bae Monday is here to keep readers up to date with what's going on in mainstream music. When I created BINACT this was the place for gushing about my attractive male faves that happened to make good music. Very happy to say that the segment has evolved since then. If you're looking for reviews on every album release within 48-72 hours, you're in the wrong place. Here you will find albums reviews that are a few months late but for good reason. I promise not to reach back further than 6 months however, I'm using MBM to cultivate meaningful conversations about music. That includes listening to projects for an extended period of time and forming concrete opinions. 


Three of my best friends suggested that I hear this album. When that many close companions recommend something I make sure to listen. I took a solo trip to one of my local beaches right before Christmas (and before the super cold weather). I listened to the project as I walked along the water. I've never called myself a Jhene fan but I found myself enjoying her previous projects and current endeavors. I'm not sure if my mini vacation influenced my decision but Trip pushed me into fan territory.

On first listen I valued how well the album gently nudges me into whatever emotion it wants me to feel, similar to the way tequila, my drug of choice, does. Jhene intentionally eased me into the album with LSD and Jukai until I arrived at the single. While We're Young sets the stage with Penny, the protagonist, embarking on a beautiful romantic endeavor and throwing all caution to the wind. The upbeat OLLA showcases talent from herself and the other half of TWENTY88, Big Sean. Consistent with the album's theme of experiencing multiple highs, Sativa featuring Swae Lee takes full advantage of the hazy atmosphere that the song's production creates. The tone of the album shifts midway as Penny starts to become uneasy about her relationship in Never Call Me. One of my favorite tracks, Overstimulated, ushers in an overwhemlingly dark sound that continues throughout the next three tracks. Jhene completes the project with Ascension and Trip, two tracks that signify gaining wisdom and finding a clear path after overcoming many mistakes and wrong turns.

Trip is a fun listen. I revisit the full project weekly and my favorite songs daily. With 22 tracks spanning 1 hour and 30 minutes, it's lengthy but substantial. All of the tracks lend a hand to the album's story. I urge you to listen to Jhene Aiko's Trip no matter if you're a long time fan or newcomer.





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