Who Dat Wednesday: BBTB Recap

Who Dat Wednesday: BBTB Recap

For those of you who were spending time (and money) with your moms two weekends ago and couldn't make it out to BBTB, you were truly missed. Much love to those who did decide to spend their time with BINACT. This post is for all of you.

On May 13th I was able to see months of planning come to fruition. After securing a venue, coordinating plans with DJs in 4 different cities, and finding an outfit for the big day, BINACT Brings The Beats: Showcase happened. I poured my heart into putting on something new, fun, and exciting for my hometown and I'm really proud of myself. 

If you've been following BINACT since last year, you'll remember my first event undertaking. It was held at my favorite place in the whole wide world, Drip Coffee in Five Points. My shindig took place in the back room where Drip lets artists of all kinds come and express themselves for friends, family, and (the second most important f word) FREE. On May 18th, 2016, I wheeled my mom's portable speaker in the door. As I whizzed past my favorite baristas with the mic case in hand, the precariously perched Stankonia vinyl for sale taunted me. I decided its reappearance was a sign that the event would be successful and that I should finally buy it like I told myself a million times before. I didn't.

Fast forward 360 days and I'm hosting a DJ show in the Music Farm. The second biggest music venue in the city. The venue that will kick off the J. Cole tour in a week. The venue I met Corinne Bailey Rae in. I felt all the things leading up to 8:00pm on May 13th: excitement, stress, nervousness, happiness. Now that it's all said and done, I couldn't have asked for a better outcome.

Photo: @thecurtisyork

Photo: @thecurtisyork

Don't just take it from me. Here's a blurb from DJ SCrib, one of the showcase's headliners:

Working with BINACT was a breeze! Candice constantly stayed in touch with me all the way until the event. I loved the organizational structure of the show. The event as whole was amazing! I thought the acts that BINACT chose were highly talented and brought something different for the audience to enjoy! If you were not at the event, than you definitely missed out on amazing talent, networking opportunities and just a "different" experience that truly doesn't occur in SC. Thanks again for having me on your line up and I can't wait to see what else is in store or how you will challenge me in the future as a DJ! 

If you missed it, don't fret. There are other ways to make sure you're keeping up with BINACT! Don't forget to check out the BBTB playlist. Did you buy your 'Support Local' shirt yet? Tell me about your BBTB experience! My Twitter, Facebook, and comment section are open.

Thanks for letting me do this. This dedication to positive music perspectives ain't going nowhere.

Who Dat Wednesday BONUS: BBTB Recap Video

Who Dat Wednesday BONUS: BBTB Recap Video

Friday Five: BBTB Playlist